A gift in your Will would contribute directly to the vital work of the College, allowing us to invest in our future and create a lasting legacy on your behalf.
Professor Rowan Parks, President RCSEd
Leaving a gift in your Will is the most important charitable donation you will make. It is an expression of the values you have lived by and creates a legacy to carry on these values in your place. In creating your Will, naturally your first thoughts will be taking care of your family and friends. After doing so, you may wish to leave a portion of your remaining estate to RCSEd.
Legacy Impact
Professor Stephen MacLeod has pledged a gift in his will to support the continuation of the MacLeod McLaren Medal in the future. Read below why he chose to leave a gift to the College.
Professor Stephen MacLeod
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Professor Stephen MacLeod is an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon based at Loyola University, who was elected as an RCSEd Fellow by examination in 1999.

Free Will Service
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has partnered with Thomas Bradley & Co to offer a Will for Charity service, which includes a Free Will for any of our supporters aged over 50 and residing in the UK. In the last year, Thomas Bradley clients have pledged legacies of £4.7 million to UK Charities.
- You decide which charity or charities you want to support, and there is no obligation to support RCSEd.
- A donation of 1% of your remaining estate would be a considerable gift to the College, and still leaves 99% for your family and friends.
- You can change your mind at anytime – Thomas Bradley & Co will write a new Will for you.
- You never pay the legacy during your lifetime – it is paid to the charity by your Executor.
To use the free will service, please call Thomas Bradley & Co on 0330 390 9200 and quote “The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh”. They will agree a mutually convenient date and time for an appointment to take your Will instruction. For the North of England and Scotland this can be a free home visit.
Make a will and support RCSEd
Click the link below to read the Thomas Bradley & Co Charity Partnership Brochure.
Read HereRCSEd Legacy Giving Brochure
Since 1505 our Members & Fellows have worked tirelessly to make the College one of the most respected institutions of surgical expertise in the world.

Contact us
You can donate to RCSEd here. Alternatively, please get in touch with our Development and Partnerships Office to discuss how you can support the work of the College.
Sarah Hutton
Development and Partnerships Officer