At the cutting edge since 1505, our members are always moving things forward - setting and upholding the global standards that drive the very best in patient care.
Learn how we support our members through every step of their professional journey, from providing educational support to equipping the workforce with the necessary skills and knowledge, all while ensuring that patient safety remains at the forefront of everything we do.
Education & Exams
The College offers a diverse range of Exams and Courses for healthcare professionals across various surgical specialties and dentistry. Explore the full selection of courses and exams available at RCSEd.
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Our Vision, Mission and Values
Our Values underpin who we are, how we behave, and the ways in which we work together across every aspect of the life of the College. They determine how we will deliver our ambitious Vision, Mission, and Strategy.
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Patient Safety Group
Upholding patient safety and ensuring the highest standards of patient care are core values of the College, with our multidisciplinary patient safety group coordinating the College’s approach to this global health priority.
Patient Safety Group