SupportEd - Individuals

The College’s support hub for individuals working in dental and surgical teams.

Anti-Bullying and Undermining Campaign

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has launched a new anti-bullying and undermining campaign called #LetsRemoveIt, aimed across the whole health service. The College is committed to eradicating bullying and undermining from the surgical and dental professions.

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Sexual Misconduct in Surgery - Let's Remove It

This UK-wide campaign, launched by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, is designed to raise awareness of Sexual Harassment and encourage zero tolerance of sexual misconduct in healthcare. We ask clinicians to 'Call it Out' if they witness it.

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Supporting your Education

RCSEd has a wealth of educational tools to develop you throughout your career. We have a variety of courses to support your personal development from preparing for the MRCS through to subspecialty courses to hone your expertise.  

If you have developed your own course and are seeking College accreditation, our accreditation team are on hand to support you, while our Faculties deliver professional development resources through education, accreditation and support frameworks.

RCSEd Courses

View the course calendar to browse the diverse range of courses available at RCSEd.

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RCSEd Course Accreditation

Having a course accredited by the College demonstrates that it meets the same rigorous internal quality assurance processes as those within the College’s educational portfolio. Applicants are required to submit an accreditation application form, along with supporting documentation.

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Faculty of Surgical Trainers

The Faculty of Surgical Trainers (FST) is the first of its kind in the UK and its purpose is to help support and develop surgeons in their role as surgical trainers. It works to increase the profile and recognition of surgical education and training.

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Faculty of Dental Trainers

The purpose of The Faculty of Dental Trainers (FDT) is to enhance patient care and safety by promoting the highest standards of training in dentistry and to support trainers in developing their roles.

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Supporting your Career 

Whether you are just thinking about getting into Surgery, or you are looking for career stage support from the College, SupportEd aims to offer guidance to help you figure out your next steps.

Starting out:

Ongoing support:

The College’s appointed mentors, ambassadors and advisors can offer individual advice and guidance from a trusted peer. Please follow the links below to learn more about how to get in touch.  

Supporting Your Personal Development

The College is here to support you throughout your professional career – from support with getting in to medical school, through to highly specialised courses to develop your expertise within your specialty.

Career Support

Personal Development

Supporting Patient Safety

SupportEd’s key resource for supporting patient safety is through the Patient Safety Group. You can find out about the core work of the Patient Safety Group in improving patient safety and reducing harm here.

Patient Safety Group

The Patient Safety Group (PSG) exists to ensure that the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) core professional standards, training and educational activities are focused on continuously improving patient safety and reducing harm, while coordinating the College’s approach to this global health priority.

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Inventory of Patient Safety at RCSEd

The healthcare system is complex, making it challenging to proactively identify safety risks. The Patient Safety Group reviewed the College’s activities using a human factors approach to develop a holistic understanding of safety. This overview identifies the College’s efforts to support surgical teams in providing safe patient care.

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Supporting Sustainability 

The College is committed to supporting surgical teams and services to reduce their carbon footprint and increase sustainability in surgery. Surgery is the most resource intensive healthcare specialty. By reducing the environmental impact of surgery, we can make a sizable difference the environmental impact of healthcare as a whole.

Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist

The UK and Ireland Surgical Colleges, The Association of Anaesthetists, The Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Association for Perioperative Practice have all recognised that it is imperative for us to act collectively and urgently to address the climate crisis, particularly as healthcare contributes significantly to global carbon emissions.

Here, we present a compendium of peer-reviewed evidence, guidelines, and policies that inform the interventions included in the Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist. This compendium aims to support members of the surgical team in introducing changes in their own operating departments.

Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist

The checklist is divided into four sections, the first dedicated to anaesthetic care, and the subsequent three looking at preparation for surgery, intraoperative practice and post-operative measures. Download the A3 or A4 Green Theatre Checklist Poster.

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Green Theatre Checklist Compendium of Evidence

This compendium should support members of the surgical team to introduce changes in their own operating departments. Our recommendations apply the principles of sustainable quality improvement in healthcare, which aim to achieve the “triple bottom line” of environmental, social and economic impacts.

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Green Surgery Report

The Green Surgery Report is a landmark report that presents the first detailed account of how to reduce the environmental impact of surgical care while maintaining high quality patient care and potentially saving the NHS money.

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Green Surgery Challenge

The Green Surgery Challenge 2021 was an opportunity for the UK’s surgical community to recognise the value of sustainable healthcare for surgical conditions: to share and promote ways of practising that are less harmful to the environment and our planet and build social sustainability: to continue to transform surgery for the future.

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