Surgical Education Research and Innovation Lab (SERI Lab)

Understanding How to Equip Tomorrow’s Surgeons, for Tomorrow’s Patients.

In 2024, the College has launched a new group focused on surgical education research and innovation. The aim of the SERI Lab is to build a body of academic work to understand how best to equip tomorrow’s surgeons and teams to care for tomorrow's patients effectively, compassionately, excellently and safely, and to enjoy long and rewarding careers.

The new lab is co-hosted by RCSEd and NHS Highland and will collaborate on projects with other trusts and health boards, universities, deaneries, surgical associations, and patient groups.


The new SERI Lab co-hosted by RCSEd and NHS Highland.

SERI Lab Chairs

The College has appointed two chairs to lead the new unit, each bringing a wealth of experience:

Jennifer Cleland

Wade Professor of Surgical Education Research (supported by the Pilmuir Trust)

Kenneth Walker

Professor of Innovation in Surgical Education (supported by NHS Highland)

Previous Projects

In previous years, Professors Walker and Cleland, alongside their colleagues, have led and evaluated numerous projects in collaboration with health boards, deaneries, Royal Colleges, and other professionals. These projects have addressed perceived gaps, inconsistencies, and opportunities in surgical education. The SERI Lab is strongly focused on building research capacity, providing mentorship, and making the process enjoyable. Professors Cleland and Walker have successfully supervised surgical research fellows through to the completion of their PhDs, MDs or MScs.

Examples include:

  • Developing and evaluating: bootcamps and simulation strategies for surgical training programmes in Scotland;
  • Take-home deliberate practice programmes;
  • Examining expert decision making using techniques developed for space medicine;
  • A helical training programme in Consultation Skills for surgeons - “COSMOS” – (including a module on “when it all goes wrong”);
  • They also have a track record of research in predicting performance in surgical training, training culture, and examining organisational and educational challenges in workplace training and education.

Previous Surgical Education Projects

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Research Fellows

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New Projects

In the new lab, several projects are already in development, and other ideas are "on the shelf."

Some available project ideas currently include:

  • Rural Surgical training;
  • Faculty coaching for courses;
  • Blended and multimodal NOTSS training for global surgery;
  • Using head-camera cued recall and debrief to build a peer-to-peer training resource;
  • Thematic analysis of patients’ gratitude and complaint letters​;
  • Qualitative evaluation of existing Surgical Education international partnerships with Nepal, Palestine or the NOTSS course partner countries.

However, future research fellows may bring their own proposals.