#LetsRemoveIt was launched in 2017 to tackle bullying and undermining across the surgical workforce. In 2024, this campaign will now focus its efforts on eradicating sexual misconduct in surgery.
Anti-Bullying and Undermining Campaign
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has launched a new anti-bullying and undermining campaign called #LetsRemoveIt, aimed across the whole health service.
In the College’s own membership survey, nearly 40% of respondents reported that they had been victims of bullying and undermining behaviour, with the same amount reporting that they had witnessed it. It has been estimated that this issue costs UK organisations £13.75 billion annually, and healthcare professionals have attributed disruptive behaviour in the perioperative area alone to 67% of adverse events, 71% of medical errors, and 27% of perioperative deaths.
The campaign encompasses a lot of resources including online learning, posters and presentations and a new performance workshop called ‘How to survive and thrive as a surgeon’ which will include work on team behaviour and how, as leaders, surgeons can build and support successful, effective teams.
Anti-Bullying and Undermining Campaign
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has launched a new anti-bullying and undermining campaign called #LetsRemoveIt, aimed across the whole health service. The College is committed to eradicating bullying and undermining from the surgical and dental professions.
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Sexual Misconduct in Surgery - Let's Remove It
The #letsremoveit campaign has been launched in response to the alarming findings uncovered by the Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery (WPSMS) and the Surviving in Scrubs group, which highlighted the harassment and sexual abuse faced by colleagues in surgery.
This UK-wide campaign, launched by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, is designed to raise awareness of sexual harassment and encourage zero tolerance of sexual misconduct in healthcare. It asks clinicians to 'Call it Out' if they witness it.
Sexual Misconduct in Surgery - Let's Remove It
This UK-wide campaign, launched by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, is designed to raise awareness of Sexual Harassment and encourage zero tolerance of sexual misconduct in healthcare. We ask clinicians to 'Call it Out' if they witness it.
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RCSEd Code of Conduct
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, undermining and harassment. We are committed to using our core educational, assessment and audit activities to improve workplace behaviour and culture as well as use our influence to promote systemic change, working where we can in partnership with other organisations who are similarly committed to implementing long term change.
Our Code of Conduct will be shared with every member new and old and they will be asked to automatically sign up to the Code. It will affirm the professional behaviours we expect from our members.
RCSEd Code of Conduct
Reflects the College values and sets out the expected standards of ethics, probity and behaviour expected from the membership of the RCSEd.
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