RCSEd is an independent membership organisation dedicated to the education, training and advancement of surgeons, dentists and healthcare individuals. We achieve great things with the invaluable support and expertise of our global community of volunteers. Our members have been at the heart of our work for over 500 years, and today’s volunteers join a long tradition of dedicated clinicians who are champions of their profession.
There are a variety of opportunities to volunteer, including as a Council Member, an examiner, an ambassador, or as a committee or working group member. Volunteering at the College is rewarding, supports career development, and has a critical role in upholding the highest surgical and dental practice standards through education, training, and examinations.
The gift of our volunteer’s time is immeasurable. We extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to all our volunteers for their continued support and unwavering commitment to the College, this year and every year.
As a Royal College and charity, we are incredibly grateful for the amazing support provided by so many volunteers. Many of these are clinicians who give up their own free time to support educational activities, examinations and recruitment of our future surgical workforce. We are also indebted to numerous lay individuals who provide advice and contributions as Regents of the College or as Members of our various Committees and working groups. Without the invaluable support of these individuals, the activities of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh would be severely limited.
Professor Rowan Parks, RCSEd President

Everything we do at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh depends on our volunteers – surgeons, dental surgeons and other clinicians who give up their time to support their professions. From setting high professional standards in surgery and dental surgery, educating the next generation of medics, creating and administering crucial professional exams, and advocating for their professions to the vital governance work which maintains the College, volunteers are at the heart of what we do. Thank you!
Mark Egan, RCSEd CEO

Ways to Support and Get Involved
As a Fellow of the College, you can apply to become an examiner.
Examiners play a crucial role in maintaining high standards in the medical and dental professions. They are responsible for writing exam questions and evaluating candidates to determine if they meet the stringent benchmarks required to become a surgeon or dental specialist. Their work ensures that only qualified individuals are entrusted with patient care, thereby upholding patient safety and the integrity of the profession.
Become an Examiner
Become an integral part of the College and contribute to the success of our exams by applying for our Examiner vacancies.
Search Vacancies
Trainee Member of Council
The Trainees’ Committee of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is the main conduit for ensuring that the views of trainees are considered in all aspects of the College’s activities, including training, education, assessment and future service delivery.
The Trainees' Committee informs the Council, through the Chairperson, on relevant education, training and examination issues from a trainee's perspective and assists with the preparation of discussion documents and publications through the College media.
Become a Trainee Member of Council
The Trainees’ Committee of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is dedicated to representing and advocating for trainees. It ensures that trainee perspectives are considered in all College activities.
Find Out More
Chairing the Trainees’ Committee has been such an honour and privilege. It is taught me about leadership, teamwork and collaboration as well as providing a ‘family’ outside the workplace. As a College representative and member of several other key organisations, I have learned so much around teaching and training, influencing policy and initiating change. Trainees Committee Chair has a seat on RCSEd Council, and therefore a voice in key College decisions. This link with the trainees is held in such high regard by Council Members and Office bearers, with trainees being consulted for all College initiatives. For many years, Trainees have been described as the beating heart of RCSEd, and as TC Chair, I certainly feel this to be true.
Katie Hurst, Trainees’ Committee Representative on RCSEd Council

We are proud of our Faculties. They allow us to drive for development and advancement in key areas across the healthcare spectrum.
We have multiple Faculty Board positions opening throughout the year, offering excellent leadership opportunities and roles. Applications are welcomed from a wide range of career grades spanning students, trainees, early career, mid-career and senior leadership roles in order to represent the diversity of our membership and stakeholders who we wish to serve.
RCSEd Faculties
Explore our six diverse faculties, each dedicated to advancing expertise and professional development across key areas of healthcare.
"Volunteers are the backbone of our institution, providing invaluable support to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh's six Faculties. Their expertise, dedication, and commitment are vital to our success, enabling the College to advance excellence and enhance patient safety globally.
We are immensely proud of our global community of best practice, representing over 90 countries and a diverse range of professions and career stages. It is through their passion, time, and energy that we can create world-class professional development resources and set globally recognised standards. During this year's Volunteers Week, we wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of our volunteers. Whether preparing or reading meeting packs, writing exam questions, creating curriculum content, or leading a webinar in the evening, their contributions are indispensable. Without them, we simply would not exist.
Special recognition is due to our members who generously volunteer their skills and time to support humanitarian and global healthcare efforts. We take great pride in our volunteers, who give so freely of their time to ensure access to the highest possible standard of healthcare, regardless of location or when crises and disasters strike."
Gillian Mitchell – Head of Faculties, RCSEd

Edinburgh Surgery Online Tutor
The role of the Edinburgh Surgery Online tutor involves actively engaging with students on asynchronous discussion boards typically spanning a period of five weeks. Support for students normally requires the tutor to log into the website no more than 2-3 times a week, each session lasting less than an hour.
Edinburgh Surgery Online Tutor Recruitment
If you are interested in supporting elements of the Edinburgh Surgery Online programmes and taking part, learn more by clicking the link below.

Regional Ambassador Network
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is constantly striving to provide excellent support to all of its membership nationally and internationally, and is growing a network of Regional Ambassador throughout the UK and Internationally.
Ambassador serve as a conduit of information to and from the College, offering support and guidance on various topics, including new College developments or initiatives, career advice and support, advice on Membership and Fellowship Examinations, and information on courses and events.
The network is made up of:
Regional Surgical Ambassador
The Regional Ambassador Network is spread throughout England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The RSAs are accessible to all Fellows and Members, as well as Student, Foundation and pre-MRCS Affiliates for support and advice.
Find Your Nearest RSAInternational Surgical Ambassador
The International Surgical Ambassadors and Tutors are based in regions and countries all over the world. Their role is to act as the representative of the College in their country or region.
Find Your Nearest ISADental
Regional Dental Ambassador
The Faculty of Dental Surgery have established a network of Dental Ambassadors throughout the UK and across the globe, encompassing support for the whole dental team.
Find Your Nearest RDAInternational Dental Ambassador
The Faculty of Dental Surgery have established a network of Dental Ambassadors throughout the UK and across the globe, encompassing support for the whole dental team.
Find Your Nearest IDARCSEd is an accessible and friendly College with a massive international reach. It genuinely cares for its members and fellows, and works tirelessly to improve surgical education, professional standards, and much more. I'm proud of all the excellent work the College does, and honoured to be involved on a small level. Getting involved in a voluntary role is rewarding, and also nurtures professional friendships and connections.
Emma Stapleton, current Editor of Surgeons' News and former Regional Surgical Ambassador for North West England

Volunteers' Week 2024
While we strive to express our gratitude year-round, one of the most significant occasions for showing our appreciation is Volunteers' Week in June.
Volunteers' Week is a special time for us to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible contributions of our volunteers. They play a vital role in advancing the education, training, and standards of surgeons, dentists, and healthcare professionals worldwide.
Thank you to our volunteers - your commitment and dedication are invaluable, and your work helps to safeguard patient safety, enhance professional development, and promote excellence in healthcare. Your contributions make a significant impact not only within our College but also across the global healthcare community.