Our Committees


The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is committed to fostering collaboration, engagement, and professional development within the surgical community. To further support these goals, we have established several committees and groups that bring together professionals to share insights, discuss key topics in the medical field, and drive member engagement. These groups provide valuable networking opportunities, build support systems, and represent a collective voice for the profession.

We invite our members to explore these groups further, get involved, and help shape the future of healthcare.

Trainees' Committee

The Trainees’ Committee of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is dedicated to representing and advocating for trainees. It ensures that trainee perspectives are considered in all College activities.

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Younger Fellows' Group

A network of younger consultants and senior trainees facilitating younger socialising, involvement in College life and delivering views on professional issues to Council through the Younger Fellows' Committee.

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SAS and Locums Committee

The RCSEd committee for Specialty Doctors, Associate Specialist, Specialist Grade & Locally employed surgeons’ committee (SASL) represents all SAS doctors, dentists, locally employed surgeons and locum consultants.

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Surgical Speciality Boards (SSBs)

Interest groups and surgical specialties are represented by 11 Surgical Specialty Boards (SSBs), which ensure that the membership's specialist professional interests have a voice within the College.

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Patient Safety Group

The Patient Safety Group (PSG) exists to ensure that the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) core professional standards, training and educational activities are focused on continuously improving patient safety and reducing harm, while coordinating the College’s approach to this global health priority.

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