Fellows First Offer

Three Year Discount

Why Fellows First?

Embark on your Fellowship journey with unprecedented savings. With our exclusive Fellows First offer, enjoy a discount on your Fellowship fees for the first three years. We understand the challenges of transitioning to Fellowship, and we're here to make it smoother and more affordable for you.

What's in it for You?

At the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh we deeply care about our Fellows. Experience a level of support that goes beyond the norm as you step into this prestigious realm of surgical excellence.

Fellows First Highlights:

  • Three-Year Discount: Save 40% on your annual Fellowship subscription in year one, 20% off the fee in year two and a 10% reduction in year three. This exclusive offer is designed to lighten the financial load as you kickstart your Fellowship journey.
  • Smooth Transition to Fellowship: We understand that the transition to Fellowship can be challenging. Let us ease the burden by extending this generous discount, making your initial years as a Fellow more financially manageable.

How to Unlock Fellows First:

  • Choose Fellowship at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh: Opt for excellence by becoming a Fellow, and open the door to a world of opportunities and support while enjoying substantial savings with discounted Fellowship fees for the first three years. It's our way of investing in your success.

We're committed to being there every step of the way. As a Fellow, you're not just part of an institution; you're part of a family that cares about your growth and success. We can't wait to continue supporting you on your remarkable journey.

Seize the Fellows First Offer Today!

*Terms and conditions apply. This offer only applies to Fellows in the UK.

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