Exam Policies and Procedures
Stay informed about the College's key examination policies and procedures - Policies and regulations specific to each examination are available through the application process.
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Guide to Applying Online
Step-by-step instructions to help you apply for exams smoothly online.
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Become an Examiner
Become an integral part of the College and contribute to the success of our exams by applying for our Examiner vacancies.

Travel & Accommodation
Please do not book your travel or accommodation until you have received email confirmation of your examination date.
Our travel agents, Surgeons Quarter Travel can assist you with your arrangements.
The College’s 129 bedroomed, 4 Star Hotel, Ten Hill Place Hotel is located onsite.
Please contact travel@surgeonsquarter.com or reservations@tenhillplace.com.

Surgeons Quarter Travel
Surgeons Quarter Travel was established with the initial intention of streamlining travel for surgeons and fellows of the College, but is now expertly arranging travel and holidays for all.
Book Your Travel
The College's Commercial Enterprises operates the award-winning Ten Hill Place Hotel on behalf of the College.
Book Your StayContact us
Please email the relevant department in the first instance:
- Surgical Exams: surgical.exams@rcsed.ac.uk
- Dental Exams: dental.exams@rcsed.ac.uk
- Faculty Exams: examinations@rcsed.ac.uk