All the charitable donations the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh receives support our work in promoting surgical excellence and patient safety. This work ranges from advocating for better working lives for medical workers, to teaching key surgical skills worldwide.
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Donate to RCSEd
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Donate HereWhat Your Donation Does
Charitable donations play a key role in funding our work. Since 2000 we have provided £7m in grants and bursaries, offered training to countless surgeons, and provided crucial support in countries like Cambodia, Rwanda and Malawi. This means that any donation you can make, large or small, is vital to improving care for patients across the world.
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has been supported by the philanthropy of its donors since it’s foundation in 1505. Join this long list of benefactors and donate to The College today.
Our Current Priorities
Donations also help Ensure our World Class Museum and Collections are Open to All
While we are a working medical college, our long and storied past means we are custodians of a priceless array of medical artifacts chronicling the history of surgery. This archive is a maintained by Surgeons Hall Museum which is a world class visitor attraction in its own right, housed in the Colleges Iconic Playfair Building. Donation to RCSEd also ensure this legacy is protected.
Fund the Education of the Next Generation of Surgeons
As a membership organisation with a growing and dynamic mix of Fellows, Members and Affiliated Members, our goal is to support the next generation of medical professionals throughout their working lives. With the ever tightening funding pressures on healthcare the world over, RCSEd is well placed to provide the education needed in the ever-changing world of surgical excellence.
Maintain and Increase our Medical Research Capacity
The College is constantly working to build on its 500 years of medical research and to consistently push the boundaries of medical knowledge. Through the awarding of research grants Colleges like RCSEd allow surgeons to undertake research and produce results that transform our understanding of medicine.

Education has been a central tenet of the College’s philosophy from its inception.
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