Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
SAS grade surgeons and those in similar non-training grades practicing in the UK all have the same requirements for appraisal and revalidation as consultants. The SAS contract should include a minimum of one 4-hour session per week in the job plan for Supporting Professional Activities (SPA). This SPA time is non-clinical time and should be used for activities such as CPD, personal study, teaching, audit, attending departmental meetings, and preparing for appraisal/revalidation. Those in similar roles but not on an SAS contract should ensure they have adequate time for these activities.
SAS Grade surgeons have the same study leave entitlement as consultants, 30 days over three years.
Further guidance on resources supporting CPD is available here:
There are many CPD opportunities available to SAS surgeons. Two free, on-line options for developing generic skills are:
This has a wide range of courses, clinical and non-clinical, and can be accessed via an OpenAthens account. A few examples include: Educator Training Resources, Medical Mentoring, Medico-legal Training, Leadership for Clinicians.
A free leadership development programme, the Edward Jenner programme.
Lifelong Learning and CPD
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is committed to supporting its membership by providing guidance and resources for lifelong surgical professional development, including continuing professional development (CPD).
Learn MoreCPD Application
Learn more about the CPD application process and how CPD is awarded to courses and events.
Learn MoreAppraisal and Revalidation
Arrangements for annual appraisal will vary by employer but most organisations will recommend the use of an online portfolio to record clinical and non-clinical activity. All surgeons should keep an up to date record of their operating activity using a log book.
The Pan-Surgical Electronic Logbook for the United Kingdom and Ireland can be reached here. The procedures entered into this log-book can be searched easily, and your records can be filtered for analysis. Keeping an accurate logbook enables you to provide the necessary information and evidence for annual appraisal, and for your Curriculum Vitae.
An online portfolio can be accessed by registering with the ISCP. A guidance document for SAS grades wishing to register can be found here. This is considered essential for entry to the Specialist Examinations and for CESR application. Keeping your portfolio on the ISCP also provides evidence for Appraisal and your Curriculum Vitae. To register on the ISCP without a National Training Number, access the ISCP helpdesk for advice. The cost of registration at present is £260.
Information on Revalidation is available here:
Information on appraisal for SAS doctors is available here:
Autonomous Working
SAS grade surgeons often have many years of experience and are working autonomously, delivering specialist care without routine supervision by, or referral to, a senior colleague. When this autonomous working is recognised, the clinical activity can be accurately coded.
Information For New International SAS Doctors
Useful information for our international SAS doctors can be found below:
International Postgraduate Deanery
The International Postgraduate Deanery (IPD) is dedicated to supporting International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in their training within the UK, as well as assisting NHS Trusts and Health Boards in the development of international doctors.
Learn More
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) SAS Resources
The AoMRC SAS Committee has produced a number of useful papers about working as a SAS doctor, which can be found here and include SAS A Viable Career Choice.
General Information About SAS and LED Doctors
These resources may also be useful for Clinical Directors and Managers who work with SAS Grade surgeons:
- GMC Working Paper: 'What Do We Know About SAS and LED'
- NACT Paper: 'Supporting LEDs Across The UK'
- GMC Survey Initial Report
- Full results and survey discussion can be found here.