Step 1
Once you have passed your exam you will be sent details of what to do next to join the College as a Member/Fellow, including details of your election. Applications for election and membership are completed online.
Step 2
Following successful election to the College, you will be contacted by the Ceremonial team to offer some ceremony dates to choose from. Please indicate which date you would like to attend but don’t book any travel/accommodation until the team has written to you with confirmation of the ceremony date you have been allocated. Please allow 2-3 weeks from the date of your election for your ceremony date to be confirmed.
Step 3
Once you are booked on to a date, the Ceremonial team will send you some information about the event a few months in advance. This will provide you with all the information required for attending on the day, including details of how to purchase guest tickets. Due to the high demand for ceremony places it is not possible to change the date of your ceremony within six weeks of the event.
Subscriptions Queries
If you have any queries relating to your subscriptions, please contact the Membership team.
Contact MembershipPlease note, you need to be in good standing in order to attend a ceremony, with all membership subscriptions paid and up to date.

Contact us
If you have any questions regarding attending a ceremony, please contact