RCSEd Educational Quality Assurance Services

Accreditation and CPD Approval.

RCSEd has a longstanding reputation for offering the highest standards of surgical education and training activity, both nationally and internationally. As part of our commitment to maintaining and improving these standards, we offer two separate quality assurance services through RCSEd CPD approval and RCSEd Accreditation of external educational activities.

Further information on CPD approval, including how to apply, can be found on the CPD page.

RCSEd CPD Approval

Further information on CPD approval, including how to apply can be found below.

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RCSEd Accreditation

The marker of RCSEd Accreditation shows that an educational activity meets our rigorous standards.

By having accreditation status, you will receive the below benefits:

RCSEd Surgical Accreditation

Applications for Surgical Course Accreditation can be made by completing the form and returning it along with the required supporting documentation to Accreditation.

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RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery Accreditation

The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh will accredit courses and programmes of a sufficient quality and standing to allow educational providers and prospective students with a quality benchmark to demonstrate that an accredited activity meets the rigorous standards of the College.

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RCSEd Accreditation – Surgical Educational Activity

RCSEd can provide accreditation of a wide range of surgical educational activities as listed below.

Further information on the RCSEd Accreditation process for these educational activities, including how to apply, can be found on the RCSEd Surgical Accreditation page.