Coronavirus (COVID-19): Essential knowledge for surgeons undertaking acute medical care
24th March 2020
This webinar will focus on 'What a Surgeon needs to know’ when presented with an acutely ill patient, so that they will be able to act effectively and efficiently. It will cover a ‘step by step’ approach to diagnosis and outline relevant investigations. In addition it will explain the therapies appropriate to those with low grade infections and also for the critically ill, outlining appropriate intensive care management. The ultimate aim will be to leave surgeons, operating outside their usual remit, with a safe and effective clinical practice.
Dr Gregor McNeill MBChB FRCP DICM FFICM, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, RIE Critical Care Professional Lead, NHS Lothian ACCP Lead, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Mr JNA Gibson DSc MD FRCSEd FRCS(Tr & Orth) MFSTEd, Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon / Honorary Treasurer RCSEd.
Presentation Hyperlinks
BMJ Best Practice: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
COVID-19 rapid guideline: critical care - NICE
COVID-19 NHS Lothian Critical Care Intubation (Video)