SAS and Locum Consultants Committee Members


The college has an elected SAS member who sits on the College Council and also on the SAS Committee, aiming to represent the views and requirements of our SAS membership, both within the college and externally.

SASLC Committee Members

Mr Majid Mukadam (Committee Chair)


Majid Mukadam is an International Medical Graduate having completed his medical, surgical and cardiac surgical training from King Edward Memorial Hospital, Bombay before coming to UK. He then joined West Midlands’ Cardiothoracic Surgical programme and passed Fellowship examination in 2000 and became a Fellow of RCSEd.

Mr Alexander Baldwin

Mr Alexander Baldwin (MBChB, BMedSc(Hons), MRCS) is a locally employed plastic surgery registrar at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and the current Duke of Kent burns research fellow with Restore Research.

Ms Catherine Diver

Ms Catherine Diver (MB BSc BaO, MRCSEd) graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 2000. She started working as a specialty doctor in ENT at the Royal Free Hospital in London, moving back to Northern Ireland in 2006 to take up her current post as a specialty doctor in ENT at the Belfast HSC Trust.

Mr Nishan Fernando

Mr Nishan Fernando (MBChB, MRCS, FHEA, FFSTEd) is a Specialty Surgeon at North of Scotland Cardiothoracic Unit. He sits on the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Perioperative Care, is a Member of the SASLED Committee, and is the SAS representative on the Cardiothoracic SSB.

Mr Nader Ibrahim

Nader Ibrahim is currently working as an Locum Educational Doctor (LED) at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department.

Mr Karthikeyan. P. Iyengar

Professor Karthikeyan Iyengar (MBBS, MS(Orth), DNB(Orth), MRCS(Edn), MCh(Orth)(Liv), FRCS(Tr& Orth), FFSTEd, FAcadMEd (AoME)) has been a Fellow of the RCSEd since 2009 and joined the SASLC Committee in November 2022.

Mr S. S. Murali

Mr S. S. Murali (MS (Gen. Surg.), FRCS(G), FRCSEd) was elected to the RCSEd SASLED Committee September 2024 and is Member of the RCSEd Urology Surgical Specialist Board. He is the first Chair of the Section of SAS & Trust Urologists (SSTU) in the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS), created by BAUS in 2023-24.

Mr Lasitha Bhagya Samarakoon

Mr Lasitha Bhagya Samarakoon (BS BM (Col) MRCS (Edin. & Eng.) Mmed (NUH) ChM(UoE) FEBS(EBSQ) FRCSGlasg(Gen) FRCSEd(Gen) FFSTEd) graduated from the University of Colombo in 2010 with First-class honours. Subsequently, he completed general surgical residency training and obtained fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh in 2020.

SAS Representatives on SSBs

Ms Julie Craig

Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Ms Julie Craig (MB BCh BAO (Hons.) MRCS MSc (ortho. engin.) MSc (clin. educ.)) works as an orthopaedic specialty doctor in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, with a clinical interest in trauma.

Mr Sanjit Das


Mr Sanjit Das is an Associate Specialist in Urology from the South West of England. He is actively engaged in SAS matters both locally and regionally, and he eagerly anticipates becoming involved with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) to support his SAS surgical colleagues.

Mr Prasenjit Goswami

Plastic Surgery

Mr Prasenjit Goswami (MBBS, MS, MRCSEd, DNB) is a dedicated and skilled Plastic Surgeon with extensive experience in treating a wide range of reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burns. With a background in both academic and clinical settings, I am committed to providing high-quality care and advancing my expertise in these specialties.

Mr Tim Graham

Mr Tim Graham (RCSEd Vice-President) is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Senior Lecturer in Clinical Surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University of Birmingham and Royal Centre for Defence Medicine UK.

Mr Lasitha Bhagya Samarakoon

General Surgery

Mr Lasitha Bhagya Samarakoon (BS BM (Col) MRCS (Edin. & Eng.) Mmed (NUH) ChM(UoE) FEBS(EBSQ) FRCSGlasg(Gen) FRCSEd(Gen) FFSTEd) graduated from the University of Colombo in 2010 with First-class honours. Subsequently, he completed general surgical residency training and obtained fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh in 2020.

Mr Shyam Singam


Mr Shyam Singam is an Associate Specialist ENT Surgeon, based at Torbay Hospital, Devon, UK. Basic medical training and ENT post-graduation in India. Subsequent training and ENT fellowship, from Republic of Ireland.

Mrs Gillian Winter

Paediatric Surgery

Mrs Gillian Winter (MBChB, MRCSEd, DipMedEd) graduated from Aberdeen Medical School in 2004 and undertook her paediatric surgical training in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Birmingham. She was appointed as a Specialty Doctor in Paediatric Surgery at the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital (RACH) in 2017.

Mr Paul Z. Yang 

Vascular Surgery

Mr Paul Z. Yang (MBBS, MSc, PhD, PgC, MRCS(Ed & Glasg), MFSTEd) is a Specialty Doctor in Vascular Surgery at NHS Lanarkshire. Following his initial medical training, he pursued a period of full-time research, earning MSc (Med Sci) and PhD degrees in cardiovascular science from the University of Glasgow.

Committee meetings are held three times a year.

If you are an RCSEd member in an SAS or Locum grade, please help us to communicate relevant information to you by ensuring your profile is up-to-date.

Guidance and information from the RCSEd on CPD and Revalidation are available. External guidance on applying for the Specialist Register, contract information and more, are available below.

Contact us

If you require any information relating to the Committee's activities, please e-mail: