Full-time v’s part-time wear of the Modified Twin block appliance

Results of an RCT and qualitative evaluation with relevance to clinical practice

10th October 2024, 19:00 to 20:00 BST


This presentation will describe the findings of published research relating to the use of the Twin Block appliance. The methodology and key findings from a randomised controlled trial exploring differing prescribed wear protocols will be presented together with an allied study exploring patient related factors in the form of qualitative study.


  • Understand the aims /objectives, methodology and key findings from the study.
  • Understand patient related factors that influence treatment with the Twin Block appliance
  • How this research is contributing to the evidence base relating to Twin Block appliance treatment
  • Understand the implication of the findings of this research for clinical practice.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, attendees should be able to:

  • Describe the aims /objectives, methodology and key findings from the study.
  • Appreciate patient related factors that influence treatment with the Twin Block appliance
  • Discuss the implication of the findings of this research for clinical practice

GDC Development Outcomes

Development Outcomes A, C & D

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Our panellists include:

  • Pratik Sharma (Speaker) - BDS(Hons.), MFDS RCS(Ed.), M. Sc, M. Orth RCS(Ed.), FDS Orth RCS(Ed.), FCGDent, FHEA Senior Clinical Lecturer / Consultant Orthodontist. Dr Sharma qualified as a dentist at Guy’s Dental Hospital in 1999 obtaining his Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree with Distinction and his postgraduate dental fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons from Edinburgh in 2001. He is heavily involved in teaching undergraduate Dental students and training postgraduates in Orthodontics, including those training to become hospital consultants. As a hospital consultant he is also involved in treating patients presenting with complex malocclusions including those requiring Jaw surgery.

  • Mr John Scholey (Chair) - BDS, FDS RCS (Ed), MOrth RCS (Ed), MOrth RCS (Eng), MDentSci, FDS (Orth) RCS (Ed) Consultant Orthodontist Royal Stoke Hospital and Chair of the speciality advisory board in orthodontics.


1 Hour

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A recording of the webinar will be made available on this page in the days following the live broadcast.

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