What Leadership Skills do Surgeons and Dentists need?

29th July 2024, 17:00 to 18:00 BST


Just as no one is born knowing how to ride a bicycle, no one is born a leader.  Leadership is not just about skills but about character. For clinicians, leadership is crucial. So, how can surgeons and dentists develop the leadership skills they need to excel in their field?

Do you need to provide evidence of leadership & management to qualify or to convince others that you have what it takes to lead an important project or service?

With the bedding in of the surgical curricula and the new dental curricula to be launched at the end of the summer, leadership is a significant feature. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has created Foundations in Surgical and Dental Leadership, which will start in September. 

Tim Graham, Grant McIntyre and Lisa Hadfield-Law will explore ways of acquiring the leadership skills you need.


This webinar aims to explore options for acquiring leadership capabilities.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, attendees should be able to:

  • Plan next steps for acquiring leadership capabilities
  • Evaluate current offerings from RCSEd
  • Consider learning opportunities in surgical and dental practice.

Register Now


Professor Timothy R Graham

Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, since 1993. Previous Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Senior Lecturer Royal London Hospital & University of London 1992 to 1993. Medical Director – Clinical Governance - University Hospitals Birmingham Trust since 2016. Professor Institute Cardiovascular Sciences University of Birmingham. Previous Chair of the UK National Training SAC in Cardiothoracic Surgery and Chair JCIE UK and Ireland (national exam board all surgical specialties). Chair of European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery (examinations) 2013 – 2019. Past President of the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery Great Britain and Ireland 2014 – 2016. Previous Vice President 2012 – 2014. Head of the School of Surgery for the West Midlands Deanery/Health Education England 2017 – 2023. Chair of the Confederation of Post Graduate Schools of Surgery UK 2017- 2020. Member of Council Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 2015 – 2020; re-elected for 2020 to 2025. Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers and Faculty of Peri Operative care RCSEd. Chair of Professional Standards Committee RCSEd 2015 – 2021. Chair of the Joint Surgical Fellowship Board RCSEd 2017 - 2023. Vice President Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 2022-2025.

Professor Grant T McIntyre

RCSEd Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery is an NHS Consultant and Honorary Professor in Orthodontics and Joint Clinical Director at Dundee Dental Research Hospital & School. Within the College, Grant is an examiner for MFDS and MOrth and has been a Member of Dental Council since 2014. Grant's clinical work involves the orthodontic management of facial deformity, TMJ-orthognathic cases and cleft lip and palate along with being an Educational Supervisor and Clinical Supervisor for a number of Core and Specialty Trainees. Grant's research work relates to evidence-based clinical care, cleft lip and palate, and imaging, with his research interests involving supervision of Masters and PhD students with over 110 publications to date.

Lisa Hadfield-Law

Having spent 20 years in clinical practice and 20 years in surgical education, Lisa has been immersed in both cultures and is, therefore, in a unique position to provide leadership education.  She has managed an orthopaedic/trauma service at a teaching hospital and has insight into the circumstances and challenges facing clinical teams. She has been a Surgical educator since 1992 and has trained over 17,000 surgeons and dentists in 68 countries of Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. She has 20 years of trauma nursing experience in the UK and abroad and rained as a virtual teacher in 2016 & 2020.

She is currently working as a Consultant clinical educator UK and abroad. Education Advisor to AOUK&I. Lead for Foundations in Surgical & Dental Leadership. Lead for Future Leaders Programme with British Orthopaedic Association & Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers - the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Faculty of Surgical Trainers Advisory Board.


1 Hour

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A recording of the webinar will be made available on this page in the days following the live broadcast.

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