
26th November 2024, 19:00 to 20:00 GMT


Second instalment of the MRCS Part B series aiming to provide preparation advice for the examination. This week we are focusing on ANATOMY! This session will look at the best resources/courses and revision strategies before looking at what to expect from the questions in the exam plus common pitfalls. To finish, a mock exam station has been produced with a recent successful candidate demonstrating the ideal answer structure with feedback from examiners.


Provide candidates with the necessary armoury to prepare and be successful in the MRCS Part B examination.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, attendees should be able to:

  • Identify their ideal preparation method for anatomy
  • Provide multiple resources for revision.
  • Know what to expect in the exam and how to structure their answers.

Register Now


Our panellists include:

  • Mr Max Stewart – Clinical Research Training Fellow, Oxford.
  • Mr Matt Williams – T&O ST3, Reading & Lecturer Oxford University, Medicine
  • Professor Tom Cosker – Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon & Director Surgical Anatomy, Oxford University.


1 Hour

To be eligible to receive CPD hours for webinar attendance you must connect for the full duration of the webinar AND complete the feedback survey.

Visit our FAQ for further information relating to webinar CPD.


A recording of the webinar will be made available on this page in the days following the live broadcast.

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