NOTSS References and Publications List

NOTSS References


  • Flin, R., O'Conner, P., & Crichton M. (2008). Safety at the sharp end. Ashgate: Aldershot
  • Flin, R., Mitchell, L. (2009). Safer surgery: Analysing behaviour in the operating theatre. Ashgate: Aldershot
  • Vincent, C. (2010) Patient Safety (2nd Edition). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Flin R, Youngson GG, Yule S. (2015) Enhancing surgical performance – a primer in non-technical skills. CRC press

Papers of interest

  • Konieczny, K.M., et al, 2014. Experience of head and neck theatre staff and attitudes to human factors using an aviation-based analysis and classification system – a pilot survey. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 52 (2014), pp 38-42. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2013.04.005
  • McLaughlin, N., et al, 2014. Impact of the Time-Out process on safety attitude in a tertiary neurosurgical department. World Neurosurgery. 82 (5), pp 567-574 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2013.07.074
  • Arora, S., Sevdalis, N., Nestel, D., Woloshynowych, M., Darzi, A., & Kneebone, R. 2010. The impact of stress on surgical performance: a systematic review of the literature. Surgery, 147, (3) 318-30, 330 available from: PM:20004924.
  • Gagnon, M.P., Lepage-Savary, D., Gagnon, J., St-Pierre, M., Simard, C., Rhainds, M., Lemieux, R., Gauvin, F.P., Desmartis, M., & Legare, F. 2009. Introducing patient perspective in health technology assessment at the local level. Health Serv.Res., 9, 54 available from: PM:19327160. 
  • Jin, CJ., Martimianakis, MA., Kitto, S., Moulton, CA. 2012 Pressures to "Measure Up" in Surgery. Managing Your Image and Managing Your Patient. Annals of Surgery, available from: 256, (6) 989-993
  • Nagpal, K., Arora, S., Abboudi, M., Vats, A., Wong, H.W., Manchanda, C., Vincent, C., & Moorthy, K. 2010. Postoperative handover: problems, pitfalls, and prevention of error. Surg., 252, (1) 171-176 available from: PM:20505507
  • Parker, S.E., Laviana, A.A., Wadhera, R.K., Wiegmann, D.A., & Sundt, T.M., III 2010. Development and evaluation of an observational tool for assessing surgical flow disruptions and their impact on surgical performance. World J.Surg., 34, (2) 353-361 available from: PM:20012288.
  • Wiecha, J., Heyden, R., Sternthal, E., & Merialdi, M. 2010. Learning in a virtual world: experience with using second life for medical education. Med.Internet.Res., 12, (1) e1 available from: PM:20097652.
  • Way T J, Long A, Weihing J, Ritchie R, Jones R, Bush M, Shinn JB. 2013 Effect of Noise on Auditory Processing in the Operating Room J Am Coll Surg 216:933-938.
  • Hicks, M. Rosen, DB. Hobson, C. Ko, EC. Wick. 2014 Improving safety and quality of care with enhanced teamwork through operating room briefings JAMA Surg. 2014;149(8):863-868. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2014.172.
  • Rydenfält, G. Johansson, P. Odenrick, K. Åkerman & P.A. Larsson. 2013 Compliance with the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist: deviations and possible improvements Int J Qual Health Care (2013) 25 (2): 182-187. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzt004.
  • Haynes A, Weiser T, Berry W, et al. et al. (2009) A surgical safety checklist to reduce morbidity and mortality in a global population. New England Journal of Medicine, 360, 491-9
  • Weiser, T.G., Haynes, A.B., Dziekan, G., Berry, W.R., Lipsitz, S.R., & Gawande, A.A. 2010. Effect of a 19-item surgical safety checklist during urgent operations in a global patient population. Ann.Surg., 251, (5) 976-980 available from: PM:20395848.
  • Russ S, Rout S, Caris J, et al . Measuring variation in use of the WHO surgical safety checklist in the operating room: a multicenter prospective cross-sectional study. J Am Coll Surg 2015;220:1-11 doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2014.09.021 2545678
  • Black, S.A., Nestel, D.F., Kneebone, R.L., & Wolfe, J.H. 2010. Assessment of surgical competence at carotid endarterectomy under local anaesthesia in a simulated operating theatre. J.Surg., 97, (4) 511-516 available from: PM:20186898
  • Henrickson-Parker S, Flin R, McKinley A, Yule SJ. (2013) The surgeons’ leadership inventory (SLI): a taxonomy and rating system for surgeons’ intraoperative leadership skills. American Journal of Surgery, 205:745-751

NOTSS Publication List

Peer reviewed publications

  • Crossley J, Marriott J, Purdie H, Beard JD. 2011. Prospective observational study to evaluate NOTSS (Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons) for assessing trainees' non-technical performance in the operating theatre. British Journal of Surgery, 98, 1010-1020
  • Yule S, Rowley D, Flin R, Maran N, Youngson GG, Duncan J, Paterson‐Brown S. 2009. Experience matters: Comparing novice and expert ratings of nontechnical skills using the NOTSS system. ANZ Journal of Surgery,  79, 154‐160.
  • Yule, S., Flin, R., Maran, N., Rowley, D. R., Youngson, G. G., & Paterson-Brown, S. 2008. Surgeons' non-technical skills in the operating room: Reliability testing of the NOTSS behaviour rating system. World Journal of Surgery, 32, 548-556.
  • Yule, S., Flin, R., Rowley, D., Mitchell, A., Youngson, G.G., Maran, N. and Paterson-Brown, S. 2008. Debriefing surgical trainees on non-technical skills (NOTSS). Cognition, Technology & Work, 10, 265-274.
  • Flin, R., Youngson, G. G., & Yule, S. 2007. How do surgeons make intraoperative decisions? Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 16, 235-239
  • Flin, R., Yule, S., Paterson-Brown, S., Maran, N., Rowley, D. R., & Youngson, G. G. 2007. Teaching surgeons about non-technical skills. The Surgeon, 5, 86-89.
  • Yule, S., Flin, R., Paterson-Brown, S. & Maran, N. 2006. Non-technical skills for surgeons: a review of the literature. Surgery, 139, 140-149.
  • Yule, S., Flin, R., Paterson-Brown, S., Maran, N., & Rowley D. 2006. Development of a rating system for surgeons' non-technical skills. Medical Education, 40, 1098-1104.
  • Flin, R., Yule, S., McKenzie, L., Paterson-Brown, S., & Maran, N. 2006. Attitudes to teamwork and safety in the operating theatre. The Surgeon, 4, 145-151

Surgeons' News articles

  • Yule S, Wilkinson J. 2009. Test of Cultures: NOTSS in Japan. Surgeons' News,3.
  • Flin R & Yule S. 2005. Advances in patient safety: Non-technical skills in surgery. Surgeons' News, 4:85-87
  • Flin R & Paterson-Brown S. 2005. Lessons from the aviation industry. Surgeons' News, 4:38
  • Yule S, Flin R, Parterson-Brown S & Maran N. 2004. Critical thinking: Non-technical skills in surgery. Surgeons' News, 23:75-76.

Book chapters

  • Yule S and Paterson-Brown S. Surgeons' non-technical skills. In: ed Sanchez JA. Patient Safety. Surgical Clinics of North America.  Elsevier Inc. 2012 pp37-50
  • Yule S. Development of the NOTSS behaviour rating system.  In R Flin, L Mitchell (Eds).  Safer Surgery: Analysing Behaviour in the Operating Theatre 2009. Ashgate Publishing

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