Heart and Lung

Below are links to healthcare organisations that will provide useful resources and further information relating to surgery on the heart and lungs.

External Useful Links and Resources

British Heart Foundation
Information on a variety of heart conditions and heart health, including information for patients that require surgery.
Little Hearts Matter
Support and information for children affected by a single ventricle (half a heart) condition, including information on treatments.
The National Cardiac Audit Programme
Key information and data about causes and treatments of heart disease, including supporting health professionals in research and promoting patient safety and advocacy.
Heart Valve Voice
Group formed by patients with experience living with heart valve conditions, with input from health professionals in the field who act as a source of support and information.
Information on all aspects of organ transplantation, including heart, lungs and kidney.
British Thoracic Society
A British society that champions innovation and research in lung disease. Information provided on the latest advances in treatment of various lung conditions, with patients heavily involved in the planning and delivery of various activities.
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Support and information for patients affected by lung cancer, including those who have to undergo surgery as part of their treatment.
The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
European association for cardiothoracic (heart and lung) surgery. Information on various aspects of heart and lung surgery including latest advances in this field.
British Heart Valve Society
Information for people affected by heart valve disease including advice on healthy lifestyle choices for individuals affected by heart valve disease.
Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland
The national organisation in the UK for cardiothoracic (heart and lung) surgeons. It includes information on the major hospitals offering this sort of surgery, and on common heart and lung conditions requiring surgery.
The Children’s Heart Federation
Support and information for children born with heart conditions, including information on treatments.