The Faculty of Dental Surgery is delighted to announce the election of Professor Nigel Robb and Mr Ahmed Tarek Elshanawany to Dental Council. Professor Robb has been appointed for a five year term and Mr Elshanawany will take up his position as Member’s Representative on Dental Council for five years. They have taken up their roles today at the Faculty AGM.
We are pleased to announce that Professor Ivor Chestnutt has been appointed as Honorary Secretary to the Faculty, and will serve a term of three years commencing in December 2024.
Professor Nigel Robb
Dental Council Member
Professor Robb is a Professor of Restorative Dentistry. He attended dental school in Edinburgh and worked as a research assistant at Guy’s Dental School, completing a PhD in “Epidemiological Studies of Toothwear”.

Mr Ahmed Tarek Elshanawany
Dental Council Members' Representative
Mr. Ahmed Tarek Elshanawany is an Orthodontic Consultant based in Cairo, Egypt.

Professor Ivor Chestnutt
Honorary Secretary
Professor Ivor G. Chestnutt is Professor in Dental Public Health at Cardiff University and Hon. Consultant to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. He is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh and received both his MPH and PhD degrees from the University of Glasgow.