The Faculty of Dental Surgery Elects a New Vice Dean

Published: 24 August 2023

The Faculty of Dental Surgery is pleased to announce the election of a new Vice Dean. Mr William McLaughlin will take office at the Dental AGM in September 2023 for a three-year term.

The Dental Dean, Professor Philip Taylor said:

“We are delighted to announce that Mr William McLaughlin has been elected to the post of Vice Dean from 22 September 2023 for a period of three years. Will is a very experienced Dental Council member, who has a vast knowledge of the College, and he will bring an exceptional insight of dental politics to support the role and the Dean. We wish Will all the very best.”

Mr William McLaughlin graduated from the University of Sheffield and obtained his FDS from Edinburgh in 1986. He was elected as a RCSEd Fellow in 1987, so to date has been a Fellow for 36 years! He undertook Restorative Dentistry training in Leeds, Newcastle and Edmonton, Canada before receiving his Masters (MDSc) from Leeds in 1989 and passing the Edinburgh College Exams (DRD & MRD) in 1990 and 1993 respectively. He was appointed the first Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Cardiff Dental Hospital in 1995, and held this post until 2020. He remains an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at Cardiff University. He has held a number of Postgraduate Deanery posts since 1998 but since 2018 has been Associate Dental Dean for Dental Core and Dental Specialty Training in Wales.

Mr McLaughlin joined Dental Council in 2014, and has previously held the role of Convenor of MFDS, Deputy Convenor of Dental Examinations and is currently Deputy Convenor of the Dental Education Committee.

Mr McLaughlin is excited about the challenge of becoming Vice-Dean of the Dental Faculty and contributing to driving the Faculty forward.