Mitigating Against the Harms of COVID-19 on Oral Health

Published: 14 May 2021

The Consultants in Dental Public Health and Chief Administrative Dental Officers in Scotland Group have developed a paper that looks at the equitable re-mobilisation of dental and oral health services to mitigate against the wider harms of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Co-chaired by Dr Jonathan Iloya, Consultant in Dental Public Health, the Group is urging all parties to prioritise this work in line with a recent letter from John Connaghan (Former Interim Chief Executive, NHS Scotland) to NHS Boards instructing on the re-mobilisation of services:

"The COVID pandemic has both exposed and exacerbated our health inequalities crisis with disproportionate harm caused to minority ethnic groups and people living in greatest deprivation. Addressing inequalities for all citizens and our health workforce is therefore a vital theme which must be at the very core of your planning, and the delivery of your services" .

The re-mobilisation programme details recommendations for providing high quality care, promoting equitable access to care and promoting NHS care, safety for staff and patients, as well as staff wellbeing and costs.

To read the full paper, click on the document at the bottom of this page.