An Important ICBSE Update on the MRCS Part B and DO-HNS Part 2 Examinations in the UK and Ireland

Published: 29 January 2021 | Surgical, DO-HNS, Exams, ENT, MRCS

Following the announcement earlier this month that the MRCS Part B and DO-HNS Part 2 examinations would not take place in February 2021, the Intercollegiate Committee for Basic Surgical Examinations (ICBSE) has announced that the next MRCS Part B and DO-HNS Part 2 examinations will take place in May 2021, as originally scheduled.

Given the ongoing pandemic, the four Surgical Royal Colleges of the United Kingdom and in Ireland have concluded it is not possible to reschedule the examinations that were due to take place in February 2021. Candidates will be aware that many other organisations offering examinations have had to make the same difficult decisions.

ICBSE recognises the disruption that cancelling the February 2021 examinations may cause to candidates. We would like to assure candidates that the decision was taken following extensive discussions with all stakeholders.

For further information, please download the full ICBSE statement.