Update from President on Medical Education and Training

Published: 17 March 2020

Note from Professor Michael Griffin, President RCSEd on Medical Education and Training

Our trainees are working hard along side all of our colleagues to deliver for patients during the COVID-19 outbreak. I want to reassure all Trainees that we will support them to continue their career path as soon as we are able to do so. Our Examinations and Education teams are working hard to set up all postponed activity for later in the year when things settle down.

All Statutory Education Boards are working together with the GMC and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges to support trainees and to plan for the management of Training Rotations and career progression.

Please see the attached letters for more information. Our Vice President, Professor Rowan Parks is Acting Medical Director at NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and is keeping us briefed on the activities of all 4 Nations within the United Kingdom on matters relating to Postgraduate Medical Education and Training.

Please rest assured that we are here for you and will do everything we can to support you. Our website has up to date information about postponed Exams and what to do.

Read here for FAQs on examination postponement.

Professor Michael Griffin, President RCSEd