RCSEd meeting with the HE Minister of Health in Bahrain

Published: 28 October 2022 | Written by: Faculty of Dental Surgery | Topic: Dental

Only a week after returning from Chennai, the RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery were visiting our colleagues in Bahrain to meet officials from the Ministry of Health, private practitioners and to observe the MAGDS examination being held there. We have had a long-standing cooperation with Bahrain, and this visit only served to cement this further.

The visit allowed us to see the facilities in both private hospitals and in government-run sites, which were very impressive. Most importantly, we secured a new letter of understanding between the Ministry of Health and the College, which shows our commitment to working in Bahrain. We were able to discuss potential plans for holding our examinations there, and encouraged the trainers from all sectors to consider using our accreditation system to validate their courses.

We presented her Excellency the Minister of Health with our portfolio of examinations, and there was considerable interest in the new suite of diploma examinations there with a future opportunity to develop from those to the specialty examinations.

- Professor Phil Taylor, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery