Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS). Vignette 2 of 3. Team Communication: The Key to Clarity and Precision

Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS). Vignette 2 of 3. Team Communication: The Key to Clarity and Precision

The Patient Safety Group (PSG) of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) are delighted to lend our enthusiastic support to the sixth World Patient Safety Day (WPSD). This event, established by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2019, takes place on 17 September every year. It helps to raise global awareness amongst all stakeholders about key Patient Safety issues and foster collaboration between patients, health care workers, health care leaders and policy makers to improve patient safety. Each year a new theme is selected to highlight a priority patient safety area for action.

The theme set by the WHO for this year’s WPSD is “Improving diagnosis for patient safety”, recognising the vital importance of correct and timely diagnosis in ensuring patient safety and improving health outcomes.

Clear communication is a cornerstone of effective surgical practice. In the high-stakes environment of surgery, any miscommunication can lead to severe consequences. An illustrative vignette involves a scenario where the lead surgeon ensures that every team member is on the same page regarding the surgical plan. Regular briefings and debriefings help in maintaining clarity and addressing any uncertainties. This proactive communication approach helps in preempting potential issues and aligns the team towards a common goal, thereby safeguarding patient safety. 

Written by the RCSEd NOTSS Committee:
Steven Yule (Chair) 
Simon Paterson Brown 
Richard Skipworth 
Kenneth Walker 
Francesca Stedman 
Michael Carr 
James Tomlinson 
Alastair Murray 
Chee Loong Yeap 
Rosie Darwood  
Shireen McKenzie 
Gillian Hardman 
Clare McNaught 
Claire Falconer 
Ashley McEwen 

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