Make the inspired choice
By joining The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) as an Affiliate, Member or Fellow, you will become part of a prestigious network of 32,000+ professionals in over 140 countries across the world. Join us and make your mark in an organisation dedicated over the last 519 years to the pursuit of excellence and advancement in surgical practice.
From our founding in 1505, the College has been committed to the advancement of surgery and driving patient safety standards worldwide, and we can only achieve this by supporting our membership throughout their career journey. Membership of the College provides professional accreditation from one of the oldest, most prestigious, and respected surgical bodies, and indicates that you have gone through a rigorous process to ensure the highest levels of professional competence.
The College prides itself on our exacting standards and the positive difference they make to patient outcomes and care. In addition to this mark of quality which membership of the College carries, we provide support for our membership on key professional issues and an impressive range of professional and personal benefits.
Need to speak to someone?
Contact our Membership Team to discuss joining RCSEd.
Phone: +44 131 527 1654

Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Subscription Fees
Subscription FeesMembership Categories
There are many ways to join RCSEd. Membership levels are based on the stage of your career. Choose your membership below.
If you have any questions about the joining process, please get in touch with our Membership Team (+44 131 527 1654).
Are you a student, foundation doctor or trainee? Affiliate with RCSEd and benefit from support and guidance at every step of your career journey.
From £0 (UK & RoI)
From £0 (Overseas)
Affiliate membership of the College is open to medical undergraduates, foundation doctors and pre-MRCS surgical trainees.
Being part of our affiliate network will also give you access to a wide range of Surgical affiliate benefits.
To become a Member of the College you need to have either:
- Passed the intercollegiate membership examination.
- Passed the intercollegiate membership examination of another Royal Surgical College (UK or Ireland).
Member by Examination
From £105 (UK & RoI)
From £47 (Overseas)
A person shall become eligible for election to the Membership of the College after having met the necessary entry criteria determined by the Council of the College from time to time.
Member via Another College
From £105 (UK & RoI)
From £47 (Overseas)
If you have been successful in the membership examination of one of the UK or Ireland surgical colleges, you are eligible to apply for membership of this college.
Current or previous Members of Sister College may apply via this route.
Member via Another College Examination Pass (not yet a member of that College)
From £105 (UK & RoI)
From £47 (Overseas)
If you have been successful in the membership examination of one of the UK or Ireland surgical colleges and have not been admitted to any College, you are eligible to apply for membership of this college via this route.
From £166 (Overseas)
If you have been successful in the membership examination of Hong Kong Specialty Board Membership Examination you are eligible to apply for membership of this College.
Fellowship of the College is usually by examination.
It is also possible to be admitted to the Fellowship of the College without examination in certain circumstances.
Fellow by Examination
From £474 (UK & RoI)
From £59 (Overseas)
Passed one of the College’s Fellowship Examinations in the recognised specialties.
Fellow Without Examination
From £474 (UK & RoI)
From £59 (Overseas)
It is also possible for you to be admitted to the Fellowship of the College without examination if you are:
- a registered medical practitioner who is not a Fellow of a Royal Surgical College (UK or Ireland) or Corporation of Surgery but have professional status of a high order and are deemed to have rendered special services to surgery in general or to the College in particular.
- a registered medical practitioner who is not a Fellow of a Royal Surgical College (UK or Ireland) or Corporation of Surgery but have passed an Intercollegiate Specialty Examination and have completed a Higher Surgical Training programme recognised by the appropriate Specialist Advisory Committee.
Fellow via Another College
From £474 (UK & RoI)
From £59 (Overseas)
If you have been successful in the Fellowship examination of one of the Royal Surgical Colleges (UK or Ireland), you are eligible to apply for Fellowship of RCSEd.
From £474 (UK & RoI)
From £59 (Overseas)
The JCIE is responsible, in line with the statutory requirements of the GMC Postgraduate Board, to the four surgical Royal Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland, for the supervision of standards, policies, Regulations and professional conduct of the Specialty Fellowship Examinations.
Successful candidates can apply for Fellowship of the College.
From £474 (UK & RoI)
From £59 (Overseas)
The JSCFE is administered by the Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations on behalf of the Royal Surgical Colleges (UK or Ireland).
Successful candidates can apply for Fellowship of the College.