MRCS Examiner Vacancies

We currently welcome applications to join the following panels:

  • Surgical Examiners for the MRCS OSCE Examination

Please download the application and person specification forms below.

A completed application requires an application form, 2 person specification forms filled by your chosen referees, and proof of your continued Membership/Fellowship with one of the Four Surgical Colleges of the UK and Ireland*.

Completed applications are sent to the College Council and ICBSE for approval. Approved examiners receive an examiner number and Equality and Diversity modules to complete, before being invited to train at an in person exam.

Please send completed applications to

*Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.


  • Application Form MRCS Examiner Vacancy (pdf)

    Accessed: 13-12-24

  • Person Specification And Reference Form MRCS Examiner Vacancy (pdf)

    Accessed: 13-12-24

  • Recruitment And Appointment Guidance MRCS Examiner Vacancy (pdf)

    Accessed: 13-12-24