International Postgraduate Deanery - Information for Trainees

Learn how to become a Member of the International Postgraduate Deanery (MIPDEd).

Upon successful completion of training, trainees from both routes will be invited to become a Member of the International Postgraduate Deanery (MIPDEd). Route 2 trainees will be individually matched to a post to ensure that the placement best suits their training needs and skill set.

Trainees must:

  • Be resident outside the UK/EU/EEA at the time of application
  • Not be in receipt of any provisions relating to UK/EU/EEA nationality
  • Have obtained a primary medical qualification acceptable to the GMC
  • Have obtained an acceptable postgraduate qualification
  • Have demonstrated their English language proficiency
  • Have completed basic medical training in their country of origin
  • Have completed at least one year of specialty practice at the point of application
  • Have been in clinical surgical practice for 3 of the last 5 years, including the most recent 12 months immediately prior to seeking registration with the GMC
  • Be able to provide the College and the GMC with a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS)
  • Route 2 only: Be resident in a country listed as one of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) or World Bank Low Income and Lower Middle Income (LI&LMI) countries.