Membership of the Surgical Specialty Board in Otolaryngology

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) is pleased to present an exciting opportunity for suitable individuals to join its Surgical Specialty Board (SSB) in Otolaryngology.   

The successful applicants will take office from Autumn 2024.

The Surgical Specialty Boards (SSBs) are constituted within the internal governance structure of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and exist primarily to support, advise and assist the College and its Council across the breadth of core College activities as they relate to specialty matters and developments. In addition, the SSBs play a critical role in facilitating reciprocal engagement and communication between the College and the surgical specialties across the UK.

In fulfilling this purpose, the SSBs also undertake activity and duties, as agreed with and on behalf of the College, in the following areas:

  • Education
  • Examinations
  • Professional and Clinical Standards
  • Public Policy and External Engagement

Applicants must be current Fellows of the College in good standing (please note: Fellowship of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers does not confer eligibility for this role).  

Experience indicates that applicants who  are UK-based are likely to be best able to fulfil the requirements of the role, however, all valid nominations will be considered. In the case of SSB members who are based overseas, the expectation is that attendance at meetings shall normally be by virtual means.

The SSBs normally meet at least twice per annum and participation can be either in person in Edinburgh or via remote digital means.

This role is unremunerated but reasonable expenses for travel and subsistence will be reimbursed on production of receipts and appropriate claim forms. As with all travel on College business, SSB members will be expected to travel in accordance with the College Travel Policy.

The average time commitment for this role is approximately 30 minutes – 1 hour per week.

Members are appointed for an initial term of three years and thereafter shall be eligible for reappointment for a further year, subject to performance and at the discretion of College Council.

If you would like to be considered for membership of the SSB in Otolaryngology, please send a covering letter outlining what relevant experience/expertise you would bring to the role, and a brief CV.  Applicants must also provide two completed Referee Declaration Forms in support of their application. Click here to download.

Applications should be sent to Lindsey Lawson, SSB Secretariat at:

Any informal enquiries regarding this vacancy should be directed to: in the first instance.

Closing date for applications: 09:00 on Monday 16 September 2024

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