Joint Specialty Fellowship (JSF) Specialty Lead in General Surgery

Vacancy for JSF Specialty Lead role in General Surgery

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) has a longstanding reputation for offering the highest standards of surgical education and training activity, both nationally and internationally.

College Fellows who are Joint Specialty Fellowship (JSF) Examiners or current and past Joint Committee in Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE) examiners are invited to apply for the JSF Specialty Lead role in General Surgery. The JSF exams are run in conjunction with international partners in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia and offered in 9 surgical specialties including:

  • Cardiothoracic surgery
  • ENT
  • General surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Paediatric surgery
  • Plastic surgery
  • Urology
  • Trauma and Orthopaedics
  • Vascular surgery

The Role of JSF Specialty Lead

The role of JSF Specialty lead is to oversee activity relating to their specialty particularly relating to JSF accreditation and examinations.  The objectives of the lead will include but not be limited to:

  • Chairing the JSF Specialty Committee
  • Leading the delivery of the JSF examinations with our partners
  • Leading the accreditation of training programmes and centres with our partners
  • Organising the examination team in collaboration with the Colleges
  • Ensuring the examination meets the standards of the JSF Board and Colleges
  • Producing reports on examinations as part of quality assurance

Responsibilities and duties

Working with the JSF Coordinator:

  • Liaise with contacts representing international partners regarding future arrangements e.g. accreditation and examination activity.
  • Compile the exam/accreditation team to undertake the activities.
  • Report relevant specialty specific information to JSF Committee (at least twice per year).
  • Act as liaison for JSF activity and attend the relevant College Surgical Specialty Board (SSB) (at least twice a year).

Applicant Specification

  • Fellow of RCSEd in good standing with no restrictions on practice
  • Current or previous examination experience with Joint Committee in Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE) or Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examination.
  • Experienced JSF Examiner
  • Current with relevant examiner training
  • In clinical practice or within two years of retirement from clinical practice
  • Knowledge and understanding of the College relationship with international partners.

Person Specification

  • Demonstrate the qualities of courtesy, fairness and non-discrimination.
  • Have high professional standards and a commitment to surgical training and assessment
  • Committed to the ongoing development of the JSF examinations and accreditation processes
  • Be able to lead the specialty examination team and collaborate with the College and international partners.
  • Have excellent communication skills
  • The ability to commit time to delivery of the JSF objectives including question writing, standard setting, calibration, examiner training and support, quality assurance and analysis of examination data.

Term of Appointment

The JSF Lead is appointed for an initial term of three years and is eligible for reappointment for one additional year with the approval of the Committee Chair and Council.

Please note that this position is voluntary, however travel, accommodation and subsistence for

activities relating to the role will be reimbursed in accordance with the applicable College Travel Policy.

Following an appointment, the successful candidate will be expected to shadow the incumbent JSF Lead for a period of three months to familiarise themselves with the role.

Application and appointment process

Interested parties are asked to complete and submit an application form via email.

The appointment shall be made following a suitably shortlisting and panel interview process and will be subject to ratification.

The deadline for receipt of application is 16:00 hours on Friday 30 August 2024. All applications and subsequent correspondence should be via email to:

The date of the interview will be determined after the closing date for applications.

For a confidential discussion about the role, please contact, Professor Tim Graham, Vice President ( in the first instance.


Download the application form below.


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