Flexible Working and Training

Flexible Training is available to all doctors, regardless of gender, provided they have 'well-founded reasons' and can demonstrate that full-time training would be unsuitable, such as due to disability, ill health, or being a primary carer. For a more comprehensive list, see Eligibility and Funding.

Less Than Full-Time (LTFT) Training

Less Than Full-Time (LTFT) Training is a scheme whereby eligible trainee doctors and dentists of all grades can work on a part-time basis when full-time work is impossible or unreasonable, rather than having to give up work. Full-time training equated to a standard 40-hour week.

The Gold Guide advice on LTFT Training states that those in LTFT Training must meet the same requirements in specialty training as those in full-time training. The only difference is the possibility of limiting participation in medical activities by the number of hours worked per week; they will need to evidence the requirements on a pro rata basis.

LTFT trainees are not precluded from undertaking additional work; however, they should ensure that in doing so, they practise according to the GMC’s standards in Good Medical Practice and that there is no negative impact on their training. View guidance on undertaking additional work.

Together with the relevant Deanery Adviser, Specialty Educational Adviser, and your Clinical Leader, you will contribute to creating a suitable training programme. However, some specialty training may need to be undertaken on a full-time basis.

The aim of LTFT Training are to (as per NHS Guidelines):

  • Retain doctors and dentists in the workforce who are unable to continue their training on a full-time basis for a well-founded individual reason.
  • Promote career and personal development as well as work/life balance and wellbeing.
  • Ensure continued training in programmes on a time equivalence (pro rata) basis.

Eligibility and Funding


Less Than Full-Time Training is available to doctors who are unable to work full-time due to 'well-founded reasons' (European Council Directive 93/16/EEC 1993). The decision lies with the relevant Postgraduate Deanery as to whether a trainee has 'well-founded reasons'.

Eligibility is divided into two categories listed below. Those who are applying under Category 1 are given priority for funding and can usually expect this to continue should they move regions. Those applying under Category 2 may not receive funding, and it should be noted that clinical research is not considered a reason to apply for less than full-time training.

Category 1 Category 2
  • Disability or ill-health
  • Responsibility for children
  • Caring for ill or disabled partner, relative or other dependent

Service to the wider NHS e.g. management courses etc

Opportunities for personal/professional development e.g. training for national sporting events

Religious commitment

Other reasons may be considered, but it will depend on each individual situation and the needs of the trainee's specialty


Funding for Less Than Full-Time Training depends on each Deanery and individual NHS Boards, and applicants should be aware that resources are limited. Contracts must comply with the New Deal and the European Working Time Directive, ensuring that the time commitment is proportional to a specific calculation of actual hours of work and reflects working time patterns.

Next Steps

  • Check guidelines for eligibility and confirm this with your Postgraduate Deanery.
  • A certificate of eligibility will be required if not already in a Less Than Full-Time Training post.
  • Indicate on your application form you wish to train less than full-time. This information will NOT be seen by selection panels.
  • Ideally, make your request around 3 months prior to taking up a post.
  • Please note that the application process varies from region to region, so check with your adviser if you are unsure.
  • You might find the answer to your query via our frequently asked questions.

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