RCSEd Podcast

Let's Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast

Let’s Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast brings you the latest news from the College, providing informative, educational and entertaining content covering a range of healthcare topics and hosting a variety of expert speakers from the RCSEd membership and beyond. If you'd like to ask a question of our hosts or submit a topic for discussion please contact us at LTS@rcsed.ac.uk

Let's Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast
Podcast episodes in category "Mentoring"

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Younger Fellows Series Ep 1: Mentoring

21 May 2024  | 
Younger Fellows Series Ep 1: Mentoring

A new podcast series brought to you in collaboration with the Younger Fellows Group. We discuss mentoring in practice – what it involves, some of the benefits, and dispel some of the myths. This remains a crucial tool in practice today. Examples of mentoring interactions from some our guests. Details of the upcoming mentoring course can be found on the RCSEd website.

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