RCSEd Podcast

Let's Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast

Let’s Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast brings you the latest news from the College, providing informative, educational and entertaining content covering a range of healthcare topics and hosting a variety of expert speakers from the RCSEd membership and beyond. If you'd like to ask a question of our hosts or submit a topic for discussion please contact us at LTS@rcsed.ac.uk

Let's Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast

124 episodes

Episode #13: "Wellbeing Week Build Up"

26 January 2021  | 
Episode #13: "Wellbeing Week Build Up"

Ahead of the upcoming inaugural wellbeing week hosted and organised by the RCSED trainees’ committee, Kellie Bateman and Gillian Hardman join Greg and Sesi on the podcast to talk about the importance of wellbeing both during the COVID pandemic and as we move forward. They also build up to wellbeing week with the development, and some of the highlights of the week. Not to be missed!

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Episode #12: "FST Series with Chris Caddy"

22 January 2021  | 
Episode #12: "FST Series with Chris Caddy"

On the next episode of the Let’s Talk Surgery Faculty of Surgical Trainers Series, we welcome Chris Caddy, retired Consultant Plastic Surgery who shares his reflections of training from the views of being a trainer.

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Episode #11: "FST Series – Robin Paton"

15 January 2021  | 
Episode #11: "FST Series – Robin Paton"

Professor Robin Paton, consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, joins Greg and Sesi to share his reflections of training from the perspective of a trainer. Important messages and lots of good humour.

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Episode #10: "Faculty of Surgical Trainers (FST) Series – David O’Regan"

8 January 2021  | 
Episode #10: "Faculty of Surgical Trainers (FST) Series – David O’Regan"

This week, we bring the first episode of a new FST series exploring training from the eyes of trainers. Fascinating insight into their training experiences as trainees and also as trainers. Mr. David O’Regan join us this on this episode.

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Episode #9 A Christmas special with RCSEd Office Bearers

11 December 2020  | 
Episode #9 A Christmas special with RCSEd Office Bearers

Ahead of the Christmas holiday season, we bring you a mini-Christmas quiz with the College Office Bearers as well as a Christmas message to Fellow, members, affiliates, and our audience. At the end of a tough 2020, we hope to bring some Christmas cheer and light-hearted round table podcast episode.

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Episode #8: "Concussion and Head Injury Awareness with Dr. Jonathan Hanson"

11 December 2020  | 
Episode #8: "Concussion and Head Injury Awareness with Dr. Jonathan Hanson"

Greg and Sesi are joined on the podcast by Dr. Jonathan Hanson, Consultant in Sports & Exercise Medicine, Team doctor for Glasgow Warriors Rugby team and member of the Scottish Government Medical Advisory Group on Sports Concussion. He talks about some of the short, medium and long effects of concussions, the work being done to tackle concussions and head injuries in sports and the general public. Giving the recent spotlight on this, one of his key messages is the need to be cautious and trat head injuries with respect as clinical questions continue over the long term implications.

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Episode #7: "An audience with the RCSEd Leadership Fellow"

30 November 2020  | 
Episode #7: "An audience with the RCSEd Leadership Fellow"

On this week's episode, Greg goes from being the host to the guest - taking us through his leadership experience / journey over the course of a fellowship like no other in the face of the COVID pandemic.

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Episode #6: "Paediatric Global Surgery"

20 November 2020  | 
Episode #6: "Paediatric Global Surgery"

On this week's episode of the RCSED Let's Talk Surgery Podcast, we sit down with 2 leaders in the field of Paediatric Global Surgery, Professor Kokila Lakhoo and Naomi Wright. Join us for insightful discussions and practical tips on getting involved.

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Episode #5: "College Activity: Hot off the Press!"

6 November 2020  | 
Episode #5: "College Activity: Hot off the Press!"

On this week's episode, we summarise the latest activity within the College, and highlight exciting developments and upcoming events to get involved in.

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Episode #4: "An International College with Pala Rajesh"

30 October 2020  | 
Episode #4: "An International College with Pala Rajesh"

On this week's episode, we welcome Pala Rajesh, Vice President of RCSED, with insights on the College's international strategy and exciting plans for the future.

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