Policy and Consultations

Policy Development and Consultation

The College regularly responds to consultations from the UK Government, devolved parliaments and assemblies, the NHS and other healthcare organisations.

To find out how to get involved in shaping our consultation responses and wider policy work click here

If you would like to make us aware of a consultation you think we should respond to please email l.davies@rcsed.ac.uk

Consultation Response Documents



CQC Strategy 2016 to 202124/10/2016 9:46amA summary of RCSEd's response to the CQC's consultation on its proposed strategy for the years 2016 to 2021.England, CQCMicrosoft Word Document13KB
Robotic Assisted Surgery for Bladder Cancer24/10/2016 9:47amA copy of the statement issued by RCSEd in response to NHS England's consultation on Robotic Assisted Surgery for Bladder Cancer.England, Cancer, Bladder, Robotic Assisted Surgery, UrologyMicrosoft Word Document11KB
Junior Doctors Contract Equality Analysis24/10/2016 9:49amA copy of the letter sent to the Secretary of State by PRCSEd and Trainee Council Member following the publication of the Equality Analysis for the proposed Junior Doctors Contract.England, UK Parliament, Contracts, DDRB, Equality Analysis, Junior DoctorsAdobe PDF Document194KB
Letter to the Prime Minister24/10/2016 9:52amA copy of the letter sent from Mr Michael Lavelle Jones and 12 other members of other Royal Colleges to the Prime Minister calling on him to intervene in the Junior Doctors contract dispute.England, Contracts, Junior Doctors, Prime MinisterMicrosoft Word Document83KB
NHS IT systems24/10/2016 10:03amA summary of RCSEd's response to the NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) and AoMRC project to determine the clinical standards that NHS IT systems need to meet by 2020.England, Standards, AoMRC, HSCIC, IT, NHS DigitalMicrosoft Word Document13KB
Smoking and Surgery24/10/2016 10:05amA briefing that has been produced jointly by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA), the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and the Faculty of Public Health. It has been designed for health professionals and commissioners, to provide clear advice and examples of good practice in relation to smoking and surgery.E-cigarettes, Public Health, England, SmokingAdobe PDF Document740KB
Advertising of Food and Soft Drink Products to Children24/10/2016 10:06amA copy of RCSEd's response to the Obesity Health Alliance's statement on the Committee of Advertising Practice's consultation launch on introducing new restrictions on the advertising of food and soft drink products to children.Public Health, England, Advertising, Children, ObesityMicrosoft Word Document83KB
CQC 2016 - 2021 Strategy24/10/2016 10:07amRCSEd's response to the publication of the CQC's Strategy for 2016 to 2021.England, CQC, RegulationAdobe PDF Document108KB
Specialised Services Commission24/10/2016 10:08amRCSEd's response to the publication of the Specialised Services Commission Report.England, Specialist Services, CommissioningAdobe PDF Document108KB
Death Certification Reform24/10/2016 10:09amA copy of the Death Certification Reform consultation from the Department of Health and RCSEd's response.England, Death Certification, Medical ExaminersAdobe PDF Document1MB

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