
News items tagged with "Faculties"

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COVID-19 in Malta

COVID-19 in Malta - Read more

Professor Joseph Galea MD(Melit) MD(Sheffield) FRCS(Edin) FRCS(CTh) FETCS, President, Association of Surgeons of Malta has shared his experience on COVID-19 in Malta.

RCSEd Policy and Public Affairs team Share Actions of Recent Survey Results

RCSEd Policy and Public Affairs team Share Actions of Recent Survey Results - Read more

We are writing as the Policy and Public Affairs team for the College to update you on what work we have been doing in the last six weeks with regards to representing you at the policy level.

Gill Hardman, Trainees' Committee Member, discusses the importance of mental health during COVID-19

Gill Hardman, Trainees' Committee Member, discusses the importance of mental health during COVID-19 - Read more

Mental Health Awareness week has undoubtedly taken on extra significance for everyone this year. The challenges of life during the pandemic; work, home life in lockdown, being kept apart from family and friends and concerns for vulnerable loved ones, have brought issues of mental health and well-being to the fore, like never before.

RCSEd President responds to government news on overseas doctors surcharge changes

RCSEd President responds to government news on overseas doctors surcharge changes - Read more

RCSEd President, Prof Michael Griffin OBE, responds to news that government will revoke the surcharge on overseas doctors coming into the UK

Director of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers, David O'Regan - Training in the infected era

Director of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers, David O'Regan - Training in the infected era - Read more

The director of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers, David O'Regan has written a blog post regarding training during the COVID-19 era.

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