
News items tagged with "College"

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RCSEd Moves Forward with Appointment of New CEO

RCSEd Moves Forward with Appointment of New CEO - Read more

Professor Michael Griffin OBE, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, announces the decision made regarding the next College CEO.

Nominations Sought for Election to Dental Council

Nominations Sought for Election to Dental Council - Read more

The Faculty of Dental Surgery is seeking nominations for three vacancies arising on Dental Council from October 2021.

RCSEd Dental Ambassadors: Meet Dr Anjana Sagar

RCSEd Dental Ambassadors: Meet Dr Anjana Sagar - Read more

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has recently appointed a new Dental Specialty Ambassador, welcoming Dr Anjana Sagar, who will represent her dental community in South East England.

RCSEd and UCLan Signal Their Intent on Future Collaboration and Joint Working

RCSEd and UCLan Signal Their Intent on Future Collaboration and Joint Working - Read more

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), setting out their mutual commitment to collaboration and to exploring future opportunities for joint working in the areas of medical education, training and research.

RCSEd Policy and Public Affairs Future Plans

RCSEd Policy and Public Affairs Future Plans - Read more

The Policy Team have continued their work on equality and diversity this week with a meeting of the College’s short life working group to discuss future plans for a campaign on this very important matter during 2021 and beyond.

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