
News items from September 2019

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Press Release: RCSEd Marks World’s First Patient Safety Day

RCSEd Marks World’s First Patient Safety Day - Read more

RCSEd is continually improving patient safety and is calling on the UK to support a campaign that could help prevent the 2.6 million deaths that occur annually. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) is today (17th) recognising the first ever World Patient Safety Day - a campaign created by the World Health Organisation to make healthc…

Press Release: RCSEd Concerns on No Deal Brexit and Healthcare Qualifications

RCSEd Concerns on No Deal Brexit and Healthcare Qualifications - Read more

The College is extremely concerned about the potential effect a no deal Brexit could have on UK healthcare and patient safety. One area of concern is the mutual recognition of professional qualifications which currently allows EU doctors’ qualifications to be accepted across the EU. It has been confirmed that the Mutual Recognition of Professional …

RCSEd Conducts Basic Surgical Skills Course in Hyderabad

RCSEd Conducts Basic Surgical Skills Course in Hyderabad - Read more

The College conducted the first two Basic Surgical Skills courses in Hyderabad, India between 1-4 August 2019 at ESIC Medical College, Hyderabad.

UK Medal of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Awarded to Professor Bill Saunders

UK Medal of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Awarded to Professor Bill Saunders - Read more

The UK Medal of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh was awarded to past Dental Dean Professor Bill Saunders at one of the College’s prestigious diploma ceremonies on Friday 30 August 2019. Each medal is awarded to dentists or others who have made a distinguished contribution to the Faculty, College and dentistry.

The Faculty of Remote and Rural Healthcare Business Breakfast – Speakers Announced

The Faculty of Remote and Rural Healthcare Business Breakfast – Speakers Announced - Read more

The Faculty of Remote and Rural Healthcare (FRRH) are proud to announce their first Business Breakfast, taking place at The Royal Automobile Club, London on Wednesday 25 September 2019. Join us to hear more on the activities of FRRH, how to get involved and how you can support the development of FRRH and remote and rural healthcare globally.

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