
News items from February 2021

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Press Statement: Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Responds to Dental Student Announcement

Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Responds to Dental Student Announcement - Read more

In response to the announcement that all years of dental students in Scotland will be required to repeat the academic year, Professor Phil Taylor, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, said: I appreciate this must be a very difficult time for dental students, who have missed out on a great deal o…

Online Delivery of MFDS Part 1 Examination April 2021 Diet and Beyond

Online Delivery of MFDS Part 1 Examination April 2021 Diet and Beyond - Read more

Online Delivery of MFDS Part 1 Examination - Spring 2021 onwards

New Chair and Co-chair of the Younger Fellows' Committee

New Chair and Co-chair of the Younger Fellows' Committee - Read more

The Younger Fellows' Group is proud to announce that Mr Nathan Stephens and Miss Sarah Healy have been selected as the new chair and co-chair of the Younger Fellows' Committee.

RCSEd and UCLan Signal Their Intent on Future Collaboration and Joint Working

RCSEd and UCLan Signal Their Intent on Future Collaboration and Joint Working - Read more

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), setting out their mutual commitment to collaboration and to exploring future opportunities for joint working in the areas of medical education, training and research.

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