
News items from December 2020

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Press Statement: Scottish medical leaders warn of ‘perfect storm’ in hospitals

Scottish medical leaders warn of ‘perfect storm’ in hospitals - Read more

Members of the Scottish Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties have joined together to highlight the importance of controlling the spread of COVID-19 amid concerns the NHS may not be able to cope with a surge in cases.  Calling for increased cross-Government working and efforts from the public to reduce the spread of the virus, the grou…

Guidance for placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector

Guidance for placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector - Read more

Health Education England have released a Guidance for placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector.

Impact of new COVID restrictions on College activities

Impact of new COVID restrictions on College activities - Read more

The recent announcement made by the Prime Minister to increase restrictions across many parts of the UK, followed by the First Minister of Scotland effectively putting Scotland into lockdown from the 26th December, has meant that we have had to review our activities in January 2021.

Death of Fellow, Professor James Finbarr Cullen

Death of Fellow, Professor James Finbarr Cullen - Read more

We are saddened to announce the passing of Professor James Finbarr (Barry) Cullen, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, on 23 September 2020.

The Scottish Academy launches manifesto for the Scottish Parliament Election in May 2021

The Scottish Academy launches manifesto for the Scottish Parliament Election in May 2021 - Read more

The Scottish Academy have launched their manifesto for the Scottish Parliament Election in May 2021

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